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All InfiRay products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant InfiRay: thermal imaging collimators, sights, monoculars, nozzles, laser rangefinders, hybrid binoculars, thermal imagers for search and protection, automotive, security cameras, thermal imagers for temperature measurement, components, consumables for equipment, information radars
  • Hybrid thermal imaging binoculars InfiRay
    Hybrid thermal imaging binoculars
    XFUSE PF6, XFUSE PF6L, etc.
  • Thermal imaging collimators InfiRay
    Thermal imaging collimators
    XHOLO HP 06, etc.
  • Thermal imaging sights InfiRay
    Thermal imaging sights
    SAIM SCP 19 et al.
  • Thermal imaging nozzles InfiRay
    Thermal imaging nozzles
    xClip CH 50 v2, etc.
  • Laser rangefinders InfiRay
    Laser rangefinders
    Rico LRF 1000M, YFR-P, etc.
  • Thermal imaging monoculars InfiRay
    Thermal imaging monoculars
    DV DP 09, XEYE E2N V2, etc.
  • Thermal imagers for search and protection InfiRay
    Thermal imagers for search and protection
    FLIP PH 35, etc.
  • Thermal imaging car cameras InfiRay
    Thermal imaging car cameras
    A3, A6, M6S, etc.
  • Thermal imaging security cameras InfiRay
    Thermal imaging security cameras
    IRS-FB 432, etc.
  • Measuring thermal imagers InfiRay
    Measuring thermal imagers
    A8 L, AM 31, etc.
  • Information radars InfiRay
    Information radars
    S20-G, S30-C, etc.
  • Accessories, consumables InfiRay
    Accessories, consumables
    RTC2121W, RTD3122CR, etc.
  • Devices discontinued InfiRay
    Devices discontinued
    Saim SCT35 et al.


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